Thursday, January 23, 2014

Anabela Ferguson's Article in Art World News Magazine

Dear Friends,

I hope you are keeping warm these days.  I see many of you in Facebook, it is nice to know what everyone is doing, and how you are coping with the weather.  It is truly a nice week to give family some extra time and love. The weather was not cooperating yesterday, so I stayed home and did not come to Rio, where my exhibit is this month.

I wanted to write you to share some news that arrived in my mailbox yesterday. End of last summer,  the Editor of Art World News Magazine asked me to write about the cleaning and restoration process for fine art in  canvas and paper.  With the help of my husband; my life long partner, I was able to deliver a very unique article with steps and preps of the research I had carefully studied for over two years, and with guidence of a few skilled professionals. By the end of the third week I was able to send it to the magazine's Chief Editor for approval.  She was please and excited to have it in her hands so quickly. 
I am happy to share with you the new article that just came out in Art World News. It has been published this month.
January 2014.  I hope you will take a few minutes and click on 

Go to pages 51, 55-56 for Part I

When you click on this link you will find two links the article that is now out, and the second that will be published in the same
Art World News Magazine next month.  I wanted you to have the first look at both.  I hope you will send me your thoughts and
comments if you haven't already.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Brush Strokes Fine Art and Heatherbell Barlow

Heatherbell Barlow's Story

One of our finest artist through Linkedin

Thank you Linkedin for introducing me to this terrific artist and now friend. 

Four years ago I gave up teaching to paint full time. It has been an incredible journey and I have come into contact with some amazing people, most of whom are artists creating really impressive work.
I joined LinkedIn where I first came across Anabela through the Artbiz group where I learn a huge amount in a very short time. I then began a Facebook Art page where I can share not just my own work but other artists who have inspired me. Anabela is one of these, she is not only very talented but very generous in sharing her knowledge and experience and I have really appreciated her support from across the Pond. Having grown up before the age of computers,emails and social media, I had a lot of catching up to do!
Through linkedin I came across the Sketchbook Project and created a little sketchbook entitled My Secret and How to tell it, It is based on a beautiful archipelago of islands off the South West of the UK, the Isles of Scilly. These tiny islands inspired me to develop my landscape painting so I owe much to them. My sketchbook is in the Brooklyn Art Library NY and last summer it travelled all over the States, Canada and Australia. Amazing!
With tweeting I have found a number of opportunities including art work for a Horror movie, new exhibiting opportunities, more sales and this year I am taking part in the twitter art exhibit which will be held in Orlando.
I sell most of my oil paintings through putting on my own Solo shows, taking part in Devon Open Studios, and through word of mouth. I am currently helping to run a pop-up artisan shop which has been a very interesting experience where I sell mostly prints, cards and calenders.
This Spring I have a Solo Exhibition at a new wonderful quirky venue called A la Ronde.
Online art galleries include Saatchionline, and the Eliza gallery and am a founding member of the Exe Valley Artists where we get together to experiment in painting techniques and enjoy friendly chats about all things arty.
I am currently working on some paintings of Venice. The light in December was magical and I am trying to capture something of this now I am back in my UK studio. Capturing light on water is a passion as well as a constant challenge!